How Bad is This Book?
For anyone looking for something to do in the moments between conceiving a really bad idea and acting on it, Color Our Town Press is proud to announce The Coloring Book of Really Bad Ideas—the perfect way to bring bad ideas to life, but without the morally and physically reprehensible consequences!
From 'Surfing a Tsunami', to 'Taking a Selfie on the Subway Tracks', The Coloring Book of Really Bad Ideas brings to life all the worst ideas possible without the risk of social and medical calamities. Detailed in over 20 pages of beautiful line drawings, readers can spend their time coloring in these awful, terrible ideas of things to do, from the gruesome to the grotesque.
Rest assured though, this book of really bad ideas is completely inclusive, addressing head on bad ideas of all shapes, sizes and fantasies. Feeling imaginative about inviting a T-Rex to brunch? Covered. History buff thinking about invading Russia during the winter? Covered. Showing up at a Star Trek convention in your best Darth Vader costume? Covered.
Are we here for the laughs? Sure. But we’re also delivering this book as a tool on how to stay alive, within the comforts of one’s own home! Do you know what happens if you drop a toaster into the bathtub? Is a fistfight with a kangaroo going to end well for you? I’d tell you, but you’ll have to buy the book to find out. (If you want to live, that is.)
DISCLAIMER: My Uncle Maury is a lawyer and said that we should tell you that if you buy this book, you’re agreeing to the statement that we are not culpable for what might happen if you decide to do any of these really bad ideas. Maury had a briefcase and everything. We feel like he would know.
Who's to Blame?
The Authors

Andrew Johnson Oren Saurhaft Leigh Silver Jake Rose
The concept for these really bad ideas started from the joint venture of Jake Rose, author of Color Our Town books, and his three colleagues Leigh Silver, Oren Sauerhaft, and Andrew Johnson — founders of AdaptLab Filmmakers. The four were working up ideas for potential creative ventures, but could only dream up laughably dangerous dilemmas to undertake.