Color Our Town publisher Jake Rose is offering a free download of "Color the North Fork While You Are Stuck Inside."
Sharpen your colored pencils and get out those markers. If you’re stressed and nervous during the coronavirus outbreak, you may be able to color yourself calm.
Thanks to the publisher of Color Our Town Press, you can enjoy some coloring therapy with a free download of “Color North Fork While You Are Stuck Inside,” a collection of coloring book pages by Jake Rose, which he’s making available to help his neighbors who are staying at home relax with a “non-screen” activity.
Coloring has therapeutic benefits. It reduces stress, relieves anxiety and can even help adults achieve a state of mindfulness. And with “Color the North Fork,” adults and kids can learn some things about local landmarks, too.
The coloring book, Color North Fork While You Are Stuck Inside, depicts and describes local landmarks throughout Riverhead and the North Fork such as the Big Duck, the Greenport Carousel and the Suffolk Theater.
“I hope that this small gesture helps our fellow North Forkers in some way and brings them a bit of enjoyment and relaxation,” said Rose.
Rose is the author of several coloring books depicting landmarks across the East End of Long Island and New York City.
To get the book just click on this link, download the file, print it out and start coloring.